PROBALAC-Lโปรบาแลค-แอล SWINE AVIAN The Probiotic solution for Poultry and Swine production Reduce antimicrobial resistance support food safety improve performanceMulti-genus, Multi-species and Multi-strains The Probiotic solution contains multiple genera, species, and strains of probiotics that support gastrointestinal function and gut immunity. For Broiler and Duck, it has been carefully selected to enhance...

SFProเอสเอฟโปรMultiple species and strains Probiotics that support feed digestion & reduce diarrhea problemsRELATEDPRODUCTS SYNBAC MICRO-GUARD-L ENVI-BAC BACTOSAC NOVOBIOTIC PLUS MICRO-MAX PROFORMER MICRO-GUARD-P PROFIT SF-PRO BACTOSAC-A BACTOSAC-P ...

PROFORMERโพรฟอร์เมอร์Multiple species and strains Probiotics that support Gastro-intestinal function & Gut immunity Improve gut health, Enhanced gut immune function, Reduce digestive disorders, Improve growth performance and feed efficiency, Support for Lactation in sowRELATEDPRODUCTS B-LIVE PROBALAC-L SF-PRO MICRO-GUARD-L BACTOSAC BACTOSAC-A NOVOBIOTIC PLUS AroLief PROFIT ENVI-BAC SYNBAC PROFORMER ...

B-liveบี-ลีฟ SWINE AVIAN Multiple species and strains of Bacillus Probiotics in liquid form that support Gastro-intestinal function & Gut immunity The Probiotic solution contains multiple species and strains of Bacillus probiotics in liquid form. For Broiler and Duck, it has been carefully selected to enhance animal performance by improving feed...

PRO.Bโปรบี SWINE AVIAN The Probiotic solution for Poultry, Swine and Aquatic animal production Concentrate multi-species Bacillus spore special selected for improve Gut Health, Improved feed efficiency, Improved Animal performance and Reduce antibiotics used in Livestock to promote food safety The Probiotic solution contains concentrated multiple species and strains of heat-tolerant...

BACTOSAC-Pแบคโตแซค-พี SWINE AVIAN The Probiotic solution for Poultry and Swine production Reduce antimicrobial resistance to support food safety and improve performanceMultiple genus, species and strains ProbioticsImprove gut health, Enhanced gut immune function, Reduce digestive disorders,Improve growth performance and feed efficiency, Improve milk IgA & production in Sow The Probiotic solution...

BACTOSACแบคโตแซค SWINE AVIAN The Probiotic solution for Poultry and Swine production Reduce antimicrobial resistance support food safety, Improve gut health,Enhanced gut immune function, Reduce digestive disorders, Improve growthperformance and feed efficiency, Improve milk IgA & production in SowMultiple genus , species and strains Probiotics The Probiotic solution contains multiple genera,...

ProFitโพรฟิตThe Probiotic solution for Poultry and Swine production Prevent Eema & problems Promote immune SystemRELATEDPRODUCTS ENVI-BAC AroLief BACTOSAC NOVOBIOTIC PLUS BACTOSAC-P MICRO-GUARD-P MICRO-GUARD-L SYNBAC PROFORMER PRO.B SF-PRO Pro.L liquid ...

AroLiefอโรลีฟAn aromatic oil combined with herbal extract and organic acid, specifically designed to relieve respiratory problems, reduce side effects after vaccination, lower fever, act as a painkiller, alleviate stress, improve respiratory symptoms, enhance growth, stimulate appetite and feed conversion, and ultimately improve body weight condition...